There are 6 elevators in my building, serving only 14 floors. In short, you never have to wait long for one to pop open and magically whisk you to wherever you want to go. I’m sure there are wheels and pulleys involved or something, but it does feel wonderfully enchanted. I also have to point out that there are a lot of consulates in my building – Netherlands, Peru, Brazil and the list goes on. Most of these, thank goodness, are also on my floor. So I get to spend a large amount of time each day shooing lost souls out of my office as they wander in looking for notaries, photos or my favorite – the mythical ATM that is supposedly on my floor somewhere, possibly right next to a Yeti.
Where am I going with this… Ah yes. Flocks of foreign folks come to my building daily looking for passports and the like. Fleets. Scores. It’s Ellis Island with fax machines. And should any of them ever Google Park Plaza and have a chance to read this post before arriving, I’d like to share with them 5 simple elevator rules.
1.) There are 6 of the fucking things. Don’t try and hold them open for your cousin who hasn’t even signed in with security yet like you’re fighting for helicopter space while being airlifted out of Hanoi.
2.) If you run towards the elevator when it is closing, and I make a concerned face and motion towards the side like I’m trying to hit the button that holds the door – I’m not. I’m pretending, and I’ve got to tell you it’s definitely always a high point of my day.
3.) If you’re trying to go back to the lobby, don’t get on an elevator that is going up. You just look like a silly goose and there’s nothing on the higher floors except more people trying to work who don’t want to talk to you and also have no clue where the Tibetan, braille ATM is.
4.) There are embassies and consulates in the building. Don’t look at the security guards like they’re stupid and ignore them, or pass right through the checkpoint so they have to come out from behind the desk like LT and tackle you. Actually, disregard that and keep doing it. It’s priceless.
5.) I don’t speak Spanish. I’m a nice guy and am actually inclined to help you find what you’re looking for. But learn the language. At least, don’t assume that my blatantly pale, caucasoid behind knows what the hell you’re talking about. You could be asking for a bite of my sausage croissant, for all I know. And that’s just unhygenic.
And the children you all keep bringing to allow to roam free in the halls and ring my bell or jiggle my doorknob until I’m forced to get up, walk over and give them the stinkeye – Are you trying to make me feel like my father? I’m just trying to get a little work done. Welcome to our country, now fuck off out of my office.
Very Nicely Said!!!!
Hey, Pye, when did you get your American citizenship? Oh wait, that’s right, you didn’t … now behave yourself before I call whatever the INS is calling itself these days.
They won’t find me, as I’ll be picking fruit up and down the East Coast.
As a fellow Park Plaza sufferer, I think the 5 rules should be posted in a big brass plaque next to the Security Desk where they can be ignored along with the velvet ropes, the polite signs requesting one to sign in and the linebacker-sized security guards who have to keep track of everyone coming and going in a 14 story office building. The best part is when I see someone walk past all of this and then through a turnstile that buzzes loudly and then totally ignores the guard when they ask them to sign in, and then call me to complain that the guard was rude to THEM because they were trying to get their attention. Like any good sized building in a major city, the security procedure is usually there for reasons we prefer not to elaborate on.
I love the “oh I’m really trying to hold the door for you, I really am” fake out. Classic.
Jenn – I had a feeling you might comment 🙂
Brian – The move is even better when you make a pained face, like Stallone dropping the woman at the beginning of Cliffhanger.
Maybe you guys should look into hiring Terry Tate?
I’m sure he could enforce your 5 Rules for ya.
With all the people looking for an ATM, why don’t we just set one up with a $500 surcharge per transaction?
So passive-aggressive, yet so funny.
I wonder how many office bldgs have random ATM’s scattered along the corridors?
I have no problem with immigration, but I get frustrated when I hear about immigrants to this country, legal or otherwise, who don’t make that effort to learn English (no matter how long they have resided here). It’s frustrating for all involved, no matter what their native tongue might be. If I went on a vacation to another country, say France, I’d make the effort to learn some key phrases in that language spoken there.