Who left the screen door unlocked? Atlanta’s own Boston Blogger gets inside the hornet’s nest for a podium’s-eye-view. Living proof that Dems will vote for anyone. As long as their last name has nothing to do with shrubbery.
“And I vow that the American family will have two chickens in every pot, two 40’s of Crazy Horse in every pantry – and the entire Brand Nubian discography in every CD player.”
Oh, settle down, Pye. Anyone who feels a strong affiliation for any party will vote for whatever douchebag the party nominates. It’s just the way it is. You’re trying to tell me that you wouldn’t vote for a paperweight over John Kerry? I mean, if you weren’t an illegal alien, and all? (As an aside: I have a Republican friend who refers to Kerry as “John the Ba’athist.” Which I think is funny. Beside we do too have a sense of humor, goddammit.)
Dave Pye
The joke here was – my friend is at the podium, he’s an enormous goof, they’ll obviously nominate anyone. I’m sorry you’ll be voting for Herman Munster in November, but don’t take it out on me. They’re altogether ooky.
That was the Addams family.
Dave Pye
You’re splitting hairs. That’s like explaining the differences between Ashton Kutcher and a parking meter.
The concept of me (The Boston Blogger) being in politics should make every one laugh.