Very happy to report that I spent a good hunk of the weekend on the boat which is now in the water, on a working lift and attached to a sturdy dock. It was a painful odyssey but one we have to repeat each year or until a lot of money is invested in a more automated launch system. The pontoon boat (PyeSeas 2)’s stereo has an input jack perfect for an iPod, and there was much wave bobbing done in time to Coldplay’s new album, Viva La Vida.
Although they’ve become hugely popular internationally, like some kind of U2 for the next generation, I will always have a bit of a soft spot for Coldplay as I was a very early adopter and evangelist for the band. I’d never gush about them today the way I did 8 years ago as I have my indie-dignity. Not to be confused with Indy-dignity which I realize is a bit of an oxymoron. My favorite song off the album so far is “Lost”, and although there’s no proper video for it you can watch Chris and the boys performing it now in Barcelona while he dances around like one of the Thriller zombies on methamphetamine.
Listen to the recorded studio version here, and if you’ve already purchased the record tell us what you think. My take is that’s it’s an unexpectedly solid piece of work and in the last week it has sold over 300,000 physical CDs and become the best selling album in iTunes’ 5-year history – not that being solid really has anything to do with what the flocks of sheep decide to buy. The band’s puzzling choice for a first single, Violet Hill, is about as enjoyable to listen to as Freddy Kruegar defacing a chalkboard, but dittys like Strawberry Swing, Yes and 42 more than make up for it.
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