Thanks to Linda for forwarding me this story:
“My sister-in law is from Oklahoma and has a slight accent. She has cats and when she lived in the south she would take them to the groomers and have what is called a Line Cut. To her a line cut is when all of the fur hanging down below the cat’s tummy is taken off (because it gets matted or snarled).
When she moved to Chicago with my brother, one of the cats fur got all tangled up during the move so she took it in for a line cut. She was quite surprised when she heard the price as it was twice as much as it was down south. She confirmed with the groomer that he understood what a line cut was and he said ‘yes, I know what a LION cut is’.
It seems her accent came out sounding like LION not LINE and this is how her cat was returned to her. She cried for a week…but not as much as the cat. It was November in Chicago and the cat needed all the fur it had.”
Wow. That cat is PISSED. Please folks – No p*ssy trimming jokes. You’re better than that.
Wow, that pic is almost as old in Internet years as Mahir “you kiss me” Cagri. What’s next? A link to some neat new search engine called Google?
Are we better than that, Dave? Are we really?
Dave Pye
That cat is news to me, Hines. You’ve obviously got your finger on the pulse of the internet – or have been frequenting pet grooming parlors with alarming devotion.
you thought that I was above that did you… you must have forgotten who I was… nothing beats some Rex Ghetto Cooch…
Dave Pye
Semper, or Herb as you’re otherwise known. Boss is jealous. And orange. Orange with jealousy that one of his Godfathers has resorted to common ghetto cooch. A hex on you.
Detroit Velvet Smooth from Moncton
Um. That is to easy. I am having a seizure. Too many jokes.
Last time I saw a Pus like that… it belonged to my 6 year old cousin. Ohhh! Muhahahahahaha – eat that Pyeman! You just got served – some Pie – with a smack in the mouthamode! Sincerely Changing Underwear – BooBoo Kitty Fuck!
Dave Pye
Yes, Bryan. I just got serverd. A steaming cup of “what the hell are you talking about, can I drive you to the psych ER?”.
Sorry – As you can tell – I am very bored today.
Dave Pye
OK. My apologies. I’m usually WELL ahead of the internet humor curve. You were right, Hines. I did a search for “lion cut” on Google and discovered tons of references to this story and photos. My apologies. My blog has already been compromised by mundane humor you can find anywhere.