Well blow me down and stroke my pixels. Since it’s a holiday today and most of us aren’t working, here’s a nice little time waster to giggle at and then possibly masturbate to. The Accidental Video Game Porn Archive is a delightful tribute to the famous (Ring King blowjob, Moonwalker pedophelia etc.) and not-so-famous gamery embarassments of the last 20 years.
So click on through and enjoy the collection. I’ll be sitting here trying to figure out who in their right minds has the time to put something like this together – and also why I’m so aroused.
Wow – that reminds me of the time I lived in Virginia. I just turned 11 and as a birthday my step dad Rick took me out to the farm to help deliver a calf. Yep, that is pretty much the first thing that popped into my mind. The second thing was “I wonder what you have to roll on a 20 sided die to pull that move off in Dungeons & Dragons – that dude has to have like an 18+ dexterity and 18+ strength.
Posted by Monster
Nothing like elven fisting, I always say.
Posted by David Pye
Quite awesome that elven fisting is.
That male elf must have a gauntlet of aids protection.