Appetizer: Name an actor or actress you think is totally underappreciated.
John Dunsworth who plays Mr. Lahey on Trailer Park Boys is an exceptional actor. In addition to the best drunk impersonation I’ve seen since Foster Brooks, some of the show’s most touching moments have focused on his multi-layered, tragic character. He’s been acting on the Canadian scene since 1987, and worked as a granite hauler, casting agent and cab driver prior. Now, he spends most of his time playing bridge, sailing and making shit analogies.
Soup: Impress us by using a big word in a sentence.
Quizzlet, I don’t think you fully realize the potential consequences of erudite vernacular when utilized irrespective of necessity. Now frig off.
Salad: What is something inanimate that you’ve given a name to (i.e pet rock)?
I have little names for everything, and a lot of fun completely bastardizing the English language. My big thing these days is to tag ‘let’ on to things that are small, cute or silly. My sister and I call eachother ‘tardlets’. My friend’s daughter is ‘Grifflet’. I made up a word and an associated site for silly euphamisms called Friglets. It’s a sad statelet of affairs.
Main Course: What color would best represent your personality and why?
Cobalt blue is my favorite color. It represents my personality because it is calm, strong and completely non-commital. Am I cobalt? Am I blue? Will I die alone?
Dessert: Fill in the blanks: ______ is so _______.
Hansel is so hot right now. Admit it. It’s the first thing you thought of too.
Soup: I’m planning on defenestrating my old computer sometime this week.
Salad: My aloe is named Frank.
Main: Cadet Blue. It’s not my favorite color, but I do like it. Plus, it’s named after cadets. Army fetish, ho! I couldn’t be so unoriginal as to say camo, btw.
Dessert: Boston is so full of terrible 80s fashion lately.
Oh, oops. App: John Ritter is really unappreciated, I think. Sure, everyone was choked up at his death, but for a long time his career seemed kind of stalled. I mean, have you seen Skin Deep? He’s absolutely HILARIOUS in that film. The scene after he gets electrocuted is purely physical comedy, and he’s amazing. Plus, I loved “Three’s Company,” even if I didn’t realize the premise of it until recently (he was pretending to be gay?!?).