The Goodfellas Special Edition DVD was released yesterday – and I, for one, have been waiting longer than it took Billy Batts to finally die in Henry Hill’s trunk. Here is an interesting article about cast members getting together for a dinner Monday night to mark the occassion. Apparently Ray Liotta hasn’t watched the film since its release 15 years ago!
The first version was widely regarded as one of the worst DVDs ever released for such a high profile film. Nearly as bad as Morris Kessler’s toupee. But the powers that be have redeemed themselves, possibly under threat of kneecapping, and this new Special Edition is a doozy.
Here are some of the highlights:
– Commentary by director Martin Scorsese with cast and crew
– Commentary by ex-gangster Henry Hill and ex-FBI agent Edward McDonald
– New digital sound and picture
– “Getting Made” making-of featurette
– “Made Men” other filmmakers on the influence of GoodFellas
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’ll be watching it tonight. Likely whilst rubbing myself with voracious fanboy glee and eating ziti. In honor of this special occasion, I thought I’d link my old Goodfellas review for all you eager goombas.
“Now go home and get your fucking shinebox”
I have to say Dave – watching this movie made me realize why I idolized the characters in the first place. Ray Liota gives one of the greatest performances since No Escape – Well there is Muppets In Space. Robert Deniro gives another excellent performance that I think could only be topped in Once Upon A Time In America – check it out if you want to see Jennifer Connelly kick start her career.
I have to say this is the best DVD collection piece of the summer and should be on everyone’s shelf.
“Now Go Get Your Fucking Shine Box” Dave!
Dave Pye
Our little Goodfellas screening Friday night was a lot of fun. I swear, I will never get tired of that movie. Or drinking loads of beer while reciting it line for line and annoying the hell out of everyone.
Don’t forget the Hookers.