An Irish friend sent this video to Monster last night and he sent it to me. It floored me like a car bomb, I was laughing so hard. The kind you drink. Basically it’s just a scummy drunken Irish couple arguing in the street, but the unmistakable Emerald Isle dialogue is absolutely brilliant. Warning – drunk Irish people swear. Sometimes both creatively and profusely:
“Why do you like ridin’ hippos?!”
“He’s foookin’ good lookin’ fer a knacker!”
“It went all the way up my gaol and it’s foookin’ big!”
Somewhere, Brendan Behan is beaming with pride.
I’m waiting for Miss Moroney to confirm what a “gaol” is.
Miss Moroney can confirm that a “gowl” is a bold name for a woman’s private channel!
You can also call someone a “gowl”…which is more or less the same as calling someone a dickhead!!!
Awesome. Love it.
Thanks, Linda. You still haven’t explained how you were caught on video in Athlone. Did you move there?
Lauren Nelson
I hope the toddler in the stroller is learning a valuable lesson from all this … if you’re gonna fuck a knacker regular behind your beau’s back, make sure you fancy the way he kisses your back as he’s takin you up the arse.
Fer some reason this clip made me wonder… What ever happened to Doug? I thought you had some dialogue goin on with him – “I am in this guuuys weddin”.
Ummm… please correct that original article, this is not how Irish people speak, this is how Irish knackers speak ( They’re not drunk either, they’re just scumbags that never finished school hence the title of the video, a scumbag is an Irish term for white trash. Their accents are very particular to inbred white trash; their swearing and public indecency is not how Irish people carry themselves or like to be portrayed, it’s like me saying a Red Neck hick accent is _the_ American accent…