John was the most promising and talented contestant on The Apprentice this year. The show’s ultimate prize is a job with Donald Trump, right? To think that Trump chose to keep Chris over John, when the race was so close, is beyond me. Good luck having that 21-year-old sniveling hot-head in charge of one of your hotels. John’s worst quality was that he got a little too cocky, and I think that’s what The Donald really took exception to. Because he holds the patent.
On to The Contender. Frankly I was cringing as it started – but in reality (snicker) it’s an amazingly awesome show. NBC is plucking all the right heart strings with this one. You see the boxers, their families, where they come from, what they hope to gain, you know one of them blows his brains out after shooting wraps… and for the last 15 minutes of every episode, the week’s resolution is that they get into a ring and beat the Christ out of eachother. I enjoyed the show, thought the final bout was a lock (but would still be fun to watch), and then POW – total upset to boot. Forget the boardroom – this is the best reality television show EVAH. Yeah, I said it.
I know this is probably hard for you to understand but the way he treated those women was awful. I went from being a big fan to loathing him by end of the show. A little cocky? I laughed my ass off when Gene gave him the “your a douche” face. Any-who Chris, now he needs to go. Gah, kid needs a vallum or 10.
Dave Pye
Audrey was the worst ever and she made Omarosa look like Shirley Temple. In addition to being a sniveling, self-pitying wretch, she may also be legally retarded. The way Angie stood up for her and subsequently drove a wedge between the two of them and the rest of the team defies logic. I so wanted the street team to win. But they’re proper fucked now. John was their saving grace.