And I thought I was narcissistic. Flash-in-the-pan R&B singer/actor/dancer Omarion was still in London after Live 8 during the bombings yesterday, so he did what any sensitive man-of-the-people would do – he asked his fans to pray for him. He wasn’t in any danger or even the vicinity of any of the blasts, nor did he mention any of the dead in his statement to his fans. I can’t really do this clown justice so please just read it for yourself. I have Star Wars figures that are 5 years older than this self-absorbed little breakdancing shite:
“Omarion was in London during the tragic bombings that struck this morning,” a statement by the singer’s publicist said. Making no mention of the fatalities or casualties of the blasts, the singer’s statement concluded, “He would like his fans to pray that he has a safe trip and a safe return home. He appreciates your support.”
Today, in fairly typical big-mouthed egotistical “star” fashion, his web-site is engaged in a damage control scramble featuring the title “Omarion Story On Reuters A Hoax”. Now I ask you, what do you think is more likely? The fact that this priviliged clown opened his fat mouth without thinking, or that Reuters is involved in an elaborate scheme to make him look like more of a simpleton than he manages all by himself? When will the man stop keeping Omarion down, yo?
Stay tuned for his next starring Hollywood role in “London Got Served“.
Detroit Velvet Smooth from Moncton
Hey, “O” Tupac called, he’d like his look back. Not that I condone this sort of activity, but do you think the animals that do this sort of thing could go ahead and find out what flight Omarion will be on back to the States, and Highjack it? I mean, if your gonna be an asshole, and kill some innocent people, can you at least take one person that needs to be taught a lesson with you? For a change? Just to be different? No? Well, Omarion has been added to the ever growing list of people I am boycotting. Since I have never heard of him, this should be the easiest one. O, meet Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, and his communist, er, wife, Susan Sarandon. Speaking of which, aren’t we due for a statement from Baghdad Sean soon saying how this is all the West’s fault? I can feel it coming. Let’s send Sean on a fact finding mission under a bunker buster.
Apparently in reaction to the event, Omar-moron’s bandmates have shifted their title from B2K to HeBGay.
Dave Pye
Can someone please rub spotted dick in this jaggoff’s face? And I’m not talking about the British dessert.