I’m getting ready to ship off to Canada for the next four days, and running around like a marmoset with gastrointestinal distress (feel free to use that one), so I was glad to find two interesting photo submissions when I checked my email this morning. I count on my friends for content when I’m not feeling especially creative – and they always come through. Because they’re all f*cked.
On the left we have the illustrious Mr. Cornett – kicking it, as he does every year, at the Indy 500. Kicking the shakes and hallucinations after Indy weekend – is another story. My own father also has an interesting Indy drinking story, but he’ll kick my ass if I post that here… so I’ll stick to C-Diddy for the moment. Why is this model wearing a wetsuit you ask? You try standing near Chris after he’s had half a 30 pack of Genessee Cream Ale and all will be revealed.
And on the right, a blog favorite – Gazza. The only human being even more narcissistic than myself. Gaz attended the Teen Choice Awards earlier this week, and had a friend snap this photo when a particularly interesting presenter took to the stage. Yes folks, that’s Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre on the screen in the background. I haven’t heard from Gary recently, and I have a sneaking suspicion that in the next Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel, Leatherface’s mask will be sporting a stripper pubic landing strip on it’s chin.
I’ll check in from my parent’s trailer’s 56k dialup (I wish I was kidding. But at least they don’t have an outhouse. Oh wait. Yes they do.) over the weekend sometime in between JetSki runs. Stay real.
Dave, don’t go to Canada…people die up there and everyone dresses really really badly.
Come to New Hampshire instead! It’s sooooo much better in NH. Really, it is.
Canada rocks.
We have the best beer and everyone is cute and we only get those sick who are real mean, mean, mean.
God Bless the Miller Lite Race Girls!
God Bless Canadian Tuxedos and God Bless Mr. C Piddy… I have to say – she looks scared and Chris looks relieved.
Canada is for homos.