I work with a young Indian lad named Nakul. He’s become a great friend and I like to get him and his wife out of the house whenever possible, as they’re new to Boston. He took a bunch of photos at the Haunt Saturday, one of which I’m posting here. He just told me this was the first hard alcoholic beverage that he’d ever had in his life. I am now officially a corrupter.
When I worked with a large group of Indian programmers 4 years ago, we used to take them out all the time and had great fun together. And I know they were very thankful to have a local who tried to include them in his debauchery. But now I’m a little torn. I feel like I’ve just ridden into an Apache village circa 1682 with a pony keg of Schlitz before trading it for Manhattan.
Actually look at him. Hard hooch and big old fake angry titties. He looks as happy as a lark, and I guess I should lighten up. So welcome to the liquor, Nakul. It’s a fickle friend.
If it wasn’t for dave pye i would still be able to sell part of my liver on the black market. Watch yourself Nakul – before you know it, you will be drinking a handle of gin straight out of the bottle at 9am.
Puh-lease. You had the nickname ‘Monster’ long before you ever crossed paths with me. And it’s not because you’re blue and eat a lot of cookies.
The weekend was monu-fucking-mental. So many good stories. Your party was historic. Can’t wait to get my pics back – get on Venditti though, most of the one’s I took were with his digital.
You are the man. Every time you throw a shindig from now on I am going to try to make it down.
Nick (Slick) P. aka Dr. Canada
I was one among the group of Indians that Dave mentioned about… and he is correct, we had great fun and no doubt we tore him off. C’mon man, 15 Indians in a party…. I get tired even to imagine it.
Nakul, Beware…. Pye is as additive if not more than the actual alcohol itself. He called me Bulldog and I still dont know why he named me that. But frankly I dont care. That name works for me, even in Vegas.
Nakul, in a way I envy you….. Have fun.
Hey Dave, how are you doing ? I was just sitting with some friends back home, and I remembered about this. All I did to find this exact post was google “davepye nakul” and this came up.
It was an awesome day. Nice experience :). Hope to see you in person soon . . . .