Wow – quiet week on the blog so far. How about that Bruschi? I’m in a bit of a funk as of late. But I rarely leave you hanging, so I’ll press on and keep ‘er going. It may not be pretty. It may involve latex.
I have little patience for moody people. But more and more I realize I’m a card-carrying member of the club. The best I can do is to keep from using it as an excuse to be a jacktard, or take any sort of snivelly whininess out on other people. What it is doing, however, is frigging me up at work occasionally – and I can’t have that.
So tonight I’m going to go home, dust off my Depeche Mode records, have a little pity-party for myself and pull my head out of my puckered nostril. And I’m going to do it all without the help of Ridalin. Shame I never discovered ManRay before it closed.
So Mr. Moody, I know your oh so busy and all but I may have to get Manray on your ass if I don’t see pics from the Concord bash soon. Haha, had a good time, it was good to see everyone, now I want to see the pics 🙂
Dave Pye
I’ll live.