4 years and many, many thousands of dollars later – I am officially out of debt. Evil incarnate was Discover Card issuing checkbooks to out of work 20-somethings after the dot com bubble burst. Rent? No problem. $1,000 to go to Phoenix for a wedding? No problem. 80% interest rate? Wait, excuse me. I didn’t realize “Discover” was actually a Russian last name, and since when are your offices located in a Southie dockyard? Wicked.
It’s a happy day. Time for pizza and cokes at the Pushcart, then tomorrow I am off to Toronto for Venditti’s wedding. I will attempt to squeeze a quizzlet in tomorrow, but new projects (seo blog) and a crazy workplace are eating up a lot of my bloggy time. But I shall return. I always do.
Congrats, Dave! There is nothing as quite like being debt free to liberate the soul. When the HELL did I become so old and responsible? Used to be a six pack of Old Stock and making out with a chick before she hurled had me walking on air…
One thing I’ve been meaning to bring to your attention for some time is the distinct resemblance between you and the Canucks’ new head coach Alain Vigneault . At birth were you abducted from a French Canadian hospital or something? Too bad about the Bruins so far this year…
Dave Pye
Graeme – it’s good to have you back. It’s better to have you back when you aren’t comparing my appearance to that of a pudgy, balding, 46-year-old French Canadian.
Don’t worry Dave, other than the hairline there’s no resemblance…
Alon Cohen
I know its been tough for you. Congrats!!!
Wait, you mean that can actually be accomplished??