Tobias Fünke: O-kay, who’d like a banger in the mouth? [laughs] Right, I forgot, here in the States, you call it a *sausage* in the mouth.
Michael: We just call it a sausage.
Good lord. If you haven’t seen this show yet, tune in Monday nights at 8pm on Fox. I’d heard things, sure, but this is quality stuff. David Cross, Martin Short and even frigging Dave Thomas is in it too. I am hooked after about 20 minutes, and this exercise started as little more than a way to kill time before the Patriots game. I don’t know that much about the show, other than it’s really creative, unique – and seems to feature a lot of guest stars.
One thing I do remember, is that a’ la Family Guy – the show was cancelled and then brought back to life after grass roots, obsessive and downright creepy support from legions of fans Fox didn’t know existed until after the fact. It’s a shame the same couldn’t be said for Get A Life.
Tennessee. Tennessee. Tennessee. Just joshin’.
I love this show! In fact, I already own seasons one and two on DVD. This is definately the best television since Seinfeld – if you aren’t watching it yet, start watching it now.
The Malcontent
I posted some highlights from last night here:
Both great shows Dave that just don’t get enough hype. I missed out on Arrested Development but I did catch The Family Guy, the FCC bit was absolutely hilarious.
Tivo…. record ALL Family Guy showings!