I have previously vowed to keep this site bi-partisan, as political commentary is being done to death on every other blog in the Universe – and being done better. But I must reneg for a moment (heck, I gave the DNC plenty of coverage in July) and talk about Zell Miller’s speech last night in New York City at the Republican National Convention. He’s a Democratic Senator from Georgia and I don’t care who actually wrote this speech, but I’m linking to it because I’d like for y’all to read it. It echoes my own opinions on the state of the world right now, and why I firmly believe that regardless of your political leanings – change for change’s sake is an incredibly foolhardy idea at this moment in human history. Dig it.
“But don’t waste your breath telling that to the leaders of my party today. In their warped way of thinking America is the problem, not the solution.
They don’t believe there is any real danger in the world except that which America brings upon itself through our clumsy and misguided foreign policy.”
And I’m the King of France. And speaking of France, here’s my favorite excerpt:
“Senator Kerry has made it clear that he would use military force only if approved by the United Nations.
Kerry would let Paris decide when America needs defending.
I want Bush to decide.”
I want Canada to decide.
and speaking of Canada….
he he he he….
Poignant, Jennie. Paris is nice this time of year.
Paris is always nice. By the way, all of your ads are for Democratic organizations.
Because they know they’re “behind the 8-ball”.
Which 8-ball would this be? The magic 8-ball? Let’s shake it and see if it can tell us where the WMDs are.
If your retorts are going to continue to include ‘WMD’ or ‘War for Oil’ anywhere in the subject matter, you do not want to get me started, Margaret Cho.
Oh, go on. Get started. You’re adorable when you’re all riled up. Who’s a cute little neocon wacko? Who’s a cute little neocon wacko? You are!
I’ll get you started: I love Margaret Cho.
I lied – I hope Kerry wins. Because you’ll look good in a Christmas turban. Festive.
Bullshit on the WMD’s Dave – How many times do I have to hear – War On Terror – the most retarded thing in the world – or 9-11…9-11… Seriously the fricken republicans throw around 9.11 like they are getting paid for it every time they say it – maybe i am on to something. Then the War On Terror – Why do we have to be at War in the first place – it is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Both Parties are stupid as all get out – I wish everyone in the middle would just smarten up and vote for Nader – ha – seriously form our own Bull-Moose Party…
Monster, I never thought I’d actually be able to put a finger on it – but that is the stupidest thing you have written on my blog to date. Thank you.
As for the WMDs – I have to say this: He had them. He used them repeatedly. He would have used them again. He’s in a cell where he belongs, and the FUCKING WMDs are buried under an ocean of sand, dismantled or sold.
I am not saying there weren’t any WMD’s he probably did have them – I am just tired of hearing it… It is not like the republicans did anything special… Remember Chris Rock talking about shit you are supposed to do and are proud for doing it. “I take care of my kids… I pay my child support” – Well you are supposed to you f*ckin idiot. That is the republican party right now. Taking credit for sh*t they are supposed to do.
You realize of course that the Bush types view Canada as a weak sissy of a little neighbor that should be pushed around rather than the cultural and topigraphical wonder we liberals see, right? Zell Miller is a frustrated old man left behind by a time that can no longer exist. Soon he’ll be dead and we can all celebrate.